My name is Sasho Radoulov, I’m 19-years-old, and I’m from Richmond, Virginia. A sophomore at University of Mary Washington, I’m looking to major in geography, from which I can get a job in urban planning, surveying, or something else along those lines. Academically, my interests are geography and politics. Of course, career-wise, I’ll look to go down the geography route, though I may well take part in political activities and organization outside of my career focus. At UMW, I also take drum lessons, and am part of the running club and intramural soccer.
From early on in school, I always found geography an interesting subject, whether applied in history classes, within literary context for English classes, or wherever else. A degree in geography also opens up a myriad of opportunities career-wise, which is convenient. Politics-wise, I grew up in a liberal family, but it was first, to a degree, in my middle school, then in high school that I really started to make note of the economic differences and reflecting care and treatment of students who came from richer areas to programs in these schools and those, mostly of much less affluent backgrounds, who were zoned there. A stark contrast existed between the education and handling of students within the same schools, and since then, I have been working on educating myself in regards to class and other forms of analysis. Labor history and imperialism are political topics I have particular interests in.
My contact info…
instagram- sashoradoulov