Blog Posts
All blog posts for this project can be found here… Blog 1 Blog 5 Blog 6 Blog 7 Blog 8 Blog 10
Blog 10
Reading over the New Yorker article titled “Our Obsession with Ancestry Has Some Twisted Roots,” that was linked in the syllabus, it makes sense to me that we all like to have our own origin stories. There was a book that I forgot the name of that I read in 11th grade, about the author’s…
About Me
My name is Sasho Radoulov, I’m 19-years-old, and I’m from Richmond, Virginia. A sophomore at University of Mary Washington, I’m looking to major in geography, from which I can get a job in urban planning, surveying, or something else along those lines. Academically, my interests are geography and politics. Of course, career-wise, I’ll look to…
A Visual Gallery
As so much of our knowledge of labor history in America is limited only to newspaper archives with all their potential biases in play, oral histories which may be prone to inaccuracies, and otherwise, nothing else more than mere secondary sources, photographs prove vital in delivering clear views of the conditions that laborers worked under,…
VA Labor Movements Today
While Virginia’s historic labor movements seem to each have come to premature ends to their short-lived reigns, if it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t have the foundations for the current labor fights ripping across our state right now. Richmond’s labor past has done just enough to engrave itself into Virginia’s cultural identity and now after…
A Timeline
Citations… Fink, Leon. “‘Irrespective of Party, Color or Social Standing’;: The Knights of Labor and Opposition Politics in Richmond, Virginia.” Taylor & Francis, 3 July 2008, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00236567808584499? journalCode=clah20. Gerteis, Joseph. Class and the Color Line Interracial Class Coalition in the Knights of Labor and the Populist Movement. Duke University Press, 2007. Lause, Mark A. Free…
Blog 8
This week’s reading, while fairly long, offered some very interesting insight as to how climate change will impact Virginia specifically. Through classes as well as research on my own time, I’ve learned a good amount about the wide ranges of impacts that climate change will bring on the world as a whole, plus impacts it…
Blog 7
This reading about Tangier made me think about when my family visited the island in 2017, and of how strange it is that the residents are being hit by a problem they don’t even realize, and perhaps will continue misdiagnosing even past the point that their island is abandoned. In the early summer of 2017,…
Blog 6
This past thursday, after my 9:30-10:45 class let off and before my next class at 1:00, I made a visit to the Fredericksburg Area Museum as recommended in the description of this assignment and by a history major friend from jogging club who knows the area pretty well. There, I browsed a bit before taking…
Blog 5
For the past decade or so, the Rappahannock River has been on a very positive track. The longest free-flowing river in the state of Virginia, it has seen migratory fish return to the further inland parts of the river, oyster populations reach approach the heights they once had, and multiplied eagle nest sites. While this…